Homicide / Murder Defense Lawyer – Chicago | Hinsdale

Skilled Defense in Homicide and Manslaughter Cases

Criminal defense attorney Robert Kerr represents people who have been charged with various forms of homicide — murder, vehicular homicide or manslaughter. Find out how an experienced trial attorney can go to work to protect your interests. Contact the Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC, in Chicago for a free evaluation of your case and your defense options.

Our goal is to protect you from the consequences of a conviction in any way possible. If you have a defense on the merits of any our lawyers homicide charge, our law firm knows how to develop and present it to the greatest possible advantage. We work with private investigators, lay witnesses and forensic experts to bring to light the facts that work in your favor.

If your case will turn primarily on issues of degree of guilt or sentencing alternatives, our lawyers will concentrate on the facts that will minimize your exposure to punishment, whether in shaping the particular charges you face or in fleshing out the details of a presentence investigation.

Any Illinois homicide or manslaughter charge places the defendant at serious risk. It’s sometimes necessary to use expert analysis and testimony on any of several points — ballistics, toxicology, psychology or even mental competence to stand trial. Some clients can afford private defense counsel, but cannot afford to hire qualified experts to work on the technical aspects of the case. In some cases, the Court may order that the state or the government compensate experts appointed to assist the accused in defense of his or her charges.

Call 312-955-4400 for Advice About Illinois Homicide Defense

The Law Office of Robert Kerr, LLC, represents people charged with murder, attempted murder, aiding and abetting murder, felony murder, and any lesser included offense of homicide or manslaughter, including vehicular cases related to drunk driving or reckless driving. For a free evaluation of your case by a knowledgeable defense attorney, contact us in Chicago.

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